Abstracts and Publications:




Gäthje H, Selchow K, Wegerhoff R (1998) Effect of pyrethroid fenvalerate on the metamorphic development of olfactory perception in the beetle Tenebrio molitor. In: Elsner N, Wehner R (eds) Göttingen Neurobiolgy Report II, Thieme, Stuttgart, New York. p 684.

Gäthje H, Wegerhoff R (1999) Alterations in the metamorphic construction of antennal lobes in Tenebrio molitor caused by fenvalerate affect olfactory behavior. In: Elsner N, Eysel U  (eds.) From Molecular Neurobiology to Clinical Neuroscience. Vol I, Thieme, Stuttgart, New York. No. 31. 

Khan MZ, Wegerhoff R (1997a) Immunohistochemical studies on the localization of myelin associated glycoprotein (MAG) and schwann cell myelin protein (SMP) in the developing chicken brain. In: Elsner N, Wässle H (eds.) From Membrane to Mind, Thieme, Stuttgart, New York. p. 182.

Khan MZ, Wegerhoff (1997b) Differential immunohistochemical localization of myelin-associated glycoprotein and growth-associated protein 43 in the developing chicken otic tectum. In: Abstract - Society for Neuroscience 23,2: 464.12.

Lobemeier M, Agricola H, Wegerhoff R (1996) Distribution of locustatachykinin immunoreactive neurons in the brain of the beetle Tenebrio molitor during postembryogenesis. In: Elsner N, Schnitzler HU (eds) Gött Neurobiolo Rep II. p. 507.

Lobemeier M, Wegerhoff R (1997) Changes of growth properties of cultured insect brain neurons after pyrethroid application. In: Göttingen Neurobiology Report. Thieme, Stuttgart, New York. p. 882.

Rusch M, Busse H-G, Khan MZ, Wegerhoff R (1997) Characterization of the reaggregation phenomena of embryonic chicken brain cells in vitro. In: Elsner N, Wässle H (eds.) From Membrane to Mind, Thieme, Stuttgart, New York. p.10.

Wegerhoff R (1997a) Metamorphic pattern formation in the olfactory neuropil of an insect and the effect of pyrethroid application. In: Elsner N, Wässle H (eds.) From Membrane to Mind, Thieme, Stuttgart, New York. p.95.

Wegerhoff R (1997b) Die metamorphe Entwicklung tachykinerger Neuronen im primären olfaktorischen Neuropil des Käfers Tenebrio molitor. Verh Deutsch Zool Ges 90: 20.

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O (1989a) Anatomy of the central body of larval Tenebrio molitor (Insecta, Coleoptera). In: Elsner N, Singer W (eds) Dynamic and plasticity in neuronal systems. Thieme, Stuttgart New York, p 158

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O (1989b) Anatomie des Ventralganglions der Zitterspinnen (Pholcidae). Verh Deutsch Zool Ges 82: p 85

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O (1990a) Architecture of the nervous system of the harvestman. In: Elsner N, Roth G (eds) Brain - Perception- Cognition. Thieme, Stuttgart, New York, p 367

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O (1990b) Entwicklung der Architektur des larvalen Zentralkomplexes von Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera). Verh Deutsch Zool Ges 83: 472-473

Wegerhoff R, Wolfram EM (1990) Der Weberknecht Opilio canestrinii (THORELL, 1876) auch in Bonn (Arachnida: Opiliones, Phalangiidae). Decheniana 143: 391

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O (1991) Distribution of GABA-like immunoreactivity throughout postembryogenesis of the midbrain in the beetle Tenebrio molitor L. (Insecta, Coleoptera) In: Elsner N, Penzlin H (eds) Synapse - transmission, modulation. Thieme, Stuttgart, New York, p 511.

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O (1992a) Die Entwicklung des Zentralkomplexes beim Käfer. Studie zur Ontogenie eines zentralen Hirnbereiches. Verh Deutsch Zool Ges 85:p 92.

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O (1992b) Development of FMRF-amide immunoreactivity in the midbrain of a holometabolan insect. In: Elsner N, Richter DW (eds) Rhythmogenesis in neurons and networks, Thieme, Stuttgart, New York, p 637

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O (1993) Immunohistochemically labelled neurons were filled with Lucifer Yellow. In: Elsner N, Heisenberg M (eds) Gen - Gehirn - Verhalten. Thieme, Stuttgart, New York, p 739.

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O (1994a) Single cell analysis of Locustatachykinin immunopositive neurons in the developing central complex of the beetle Tenebrio molitor. In: Elsner N, Breer H (eds) Göttingen Neurobiology Report. Thieme, Stuttgart, New York, p 157.

Wegerhoff R, Gäthje H, Voßfeld R,  Roeder T (1998) Immunohistochemical staining with two polyclonal antibodies against c-Jun/AP-1 in locust and beetle.  In: Elsner N, Wehner R (eds) Göttingen Neurobiolgy Report II, Thieme, Stuttgart, New York. p 566.

Wegerhoff R, Gäthje H, Schepsky A (1999) The metamorphic effect of pyrethroid application on the development of the primary olfactory neuropil in holometabolous insects.  In: Elsner N, Eysel U  (eds.) From Molecular Neurobiology to Clinical Neuroscience. Vol I, Thieme, Stuttgart, New York. No. 23. 

Wegerhoff R, Hansen B (1995) Co-culture of invertebrate and vertebrate central neurons. In: Elsner N, Menzel R (eds) Göttingen Neurobiology Report. Thieme, Stuttgart, New York, p 764.

Wegerhoff R, Higgins M, Nardi J, Tolbert L (1998) Fenvalerate alters glomerulus development in insect antennal lobes. In: Elsner N, Wehner R (eds) Göttingen Neurobiolgy Report II, Thieme, Stuttgart, New York. p 685.



Breidbach O, Wegerhoff R, Dennis R (1990) Patterns of serotonin-like immunoreactivity in the ventral nerve cord of the wood-loose, Oniscus asellus L. (Crustacea, Isopoda). Zool Beitr. 33: 311-329

Breidbach O, Dennis R, Marx J, Görlach C, Wiegand H, Wegerhoff R (1992) Insect glial cell show differential expression of a glycolipid-derived glucuronic acid-containing epitope throughout neurogenesis: detection during postembryogenesis and regeneration in the central nervous system of Tenebrio molitor. Neuroscince Letters 147:5-8

Breidbach O, Wegerhoff R (1993) Neuroanatomy of the central nervous system of the harvestman, Rilaena triangularis (HERBST 1799) (Arachnida; Opiliones) - Principal organization, GABA-like and Serotonin-immunohistochemistry. Zool Anz 230: 55-81

Breidbach O, Wegerhoff R (1994) FMRFamide-like immunoreactive neurons in the brain of the beetle Tenebrio molitor L. 1758 (Coleoptera): Constancies and variations in development from embryo to the adult. J Insect Morphol Embryol 23: 384-404

Breidbach O, Dircksen H, Wegerhoff R (1995) Common general morphological pattern of peptidergic neurons in the arachnid brain: crustacean-cardioactive-peptide-immunoreactive neurons in the protocerebrum of seven arachnid species. Cell Tissue Res 279: 183-197.

Malun D, Wegerhoff R (1999) Features in the development of the olfactory systems of vertebrates and invertebrates.  In: Elsner N, Eysel U  (eds.) From Molecular Neurobiology to Clinical Neuroscience Vol I, Thieme, Stuttgart, New York. pp.240 - 246.   

Wegerhoff R (1996) Pyrethroide, unbedenkliche Insektizide? PHi 3: 94-97.

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O (1992c) Structure and development of the larval central complex in a holometabolous insect, the beetle Tenebrio molitor. Cell Tissue Res 268: 341-358

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O (1994) Intracellular dye injection of previously immunolabeled insect neurons in fixed brain slices. J Neurosci Meth 53: 87-93.

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O (1995) Comparative aspects of the chelicerate nervous systems. In: Breidbach O, Kutsch W (eds) The Nervous Systems of Invertebrates: An Evolutionary and Comparative Approach. Birkhäuser, Basel, Boston, Berlin. pp 159-179.

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O, Lobemeier M (1996) Tachykinin and FMRFamide like immunopositive neurons in the developing central complex of the beetle Tenebrio molitor. In: Krisch B and Mentlein R (eds) The peptidergic neuron. Basel, Birkhäuser. pp 205-211.

Wegerhoff R, Breidbach O, Lobemeier M (1996) Development of locustatachykinin immunopositive neurons in the central complex of the beetle Tenebrio molitor. J Comp Neurol 375: 157-166.

Wegerhoff R (1997) Metamorphic development of locusta-tachykinin immunoreactiveneurons of the antennal lobes of the beetle Tenebrio molitor and the effect of fenvalerate application. Exp. Biol. Online 2:14.

Wegerhoff R, Gäthje H, Shailaja D (1998) Effects of fenvalerate on the development of olfactory perception in a beetle. NeuroReport 9: 3241-3245.

Wegerhoff R. (1999) GABA and serotonin immunoreactivity during postembryonic brain development in the beetle Tenebrio molitor. Micr Res Tech 45: 154 - 164.

Diploma thesis:

M. Lobemeier (1996) Peptiderge Neuronen im Nervensystem von Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrinoidae) und die Einflußnahme von Pyrethroiden in vivo und in vitro.

A. Schepsky (1998) Der Einfluß von Pyrethroiden auf die Entwicklung der antennalen Loben bei Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera, Drosophilidae)

H. Gäthje (1999) Analyse der neuromorphologischen und verhaltensbiologischen Veränderungen in der metamorphen Entwicklung der Olfaktorik des Käfers Tenebrio molitor L. nach subletaler Pyrethroid-Applikation.

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